Two Mysteries Met on the

Side of the Road

A Poem on the Problem of Pain

Two Mysteries met on the side of the road. 

They both looked up at the Hill pondering.


One Mystery was old, grey, wise and gentle.

He’d been around the world many times

And thought he’d seen everything,

But he hadn’t seen this,

And it restored his spirit.


The other was young, attractive, naïve and complacent.

He was just now getting his feet wet,

But thought he’d seen everything,

And he thought he’d seen this,

And it revived his spirit.


Two Mysteries met on the side of the road.

They both looked up at the Hill pondering.


The Young Mystery,

full of himself,

spoke his mind in anger

shaking his fist,

“Just more of the same ‘ol same ‘ol

Why doesn’t He do something? 

He just sits up there watching!

Ignores and does nothing!”


The Old Mystery,

Patient in will,

spoke softly in humble reply,

pointing up at the Hill,

“No, no, you’re missing it,

He's doing it just now,

Why aren’t you watching!

He’s fulfilling His vow!”


Two Mysteries met on the side of the road.

They both looked up at the Hill pondering.


The Young Mystery,

Revealing his nature,

Berated his elder,

And spoke with great hatred,

“You must be kidding me,

You can’t be serious

That man on the Hill?

You must be delirious.”


The Old Mystery,

A much wiser creature,

Did not bite back

Or insult his beseecher,

“I kid you not

I am most serious,

Yes that man on the Hill!

And I am not at all delirious.”


But He’s dying,


writhing in pain

Just more of this evil

More of the same!


Yes, dying,


Writhing in pain,

Yes more of this evil

But it’s not quite the same!

You see only what is,

I see what it means

You see only shame

But I know His name.


Who cares His name,

He’s not to blame,

The One above,

He allows all the pain.


The one on the Hill

And the one you now blame

The two are One,

They are the same.


But how can this be?

Why would it be?

Why would He let them

Nail Him to a tree?


You ask the right question

For that is who I am

I am the purpose

The Purpose of Man.

He hangs there now dying

So you’ll understand,

He’s not just up there watching

But cleansing the land.

You are a Mystery,

The Mystery of Pain

But He is the answer

For His purpose,

His plan. 


It’s no easy answer,

For some it’s no good,

But that man on the Hill,

He shed His own blood,

That all might see,

That all might know,

That God allows pain,

That you might know Love. 


Two Mysteries met on the side of the road.

They both looked up at the Hill pondering.


That doesn’t make sense,

On that note,

I take offense. 

What does love

Have to do with pain?

What does love

Have to do with shame?


But it does make sense,

It’s all about choice

See through my lens,

Listen to my voice.

Love requires freedom

Freedom to choose

And that freedom brings pain

Freedom to lose. 


Yes, without that freedom,

There’d be no pain

but without that freedom,

This life would be lame. 


Because love requires risk

Although it brings reward,

It must be a choice,

It must be explored.


I’ve traveled this earth

I’ve seen every corner

The things of greatest beauty

Also pose the greatest danger.


There are mountains to climb

And watch the sunset

But hundreds die each year

Climbing their summits.


There are oceans to sail

And great depths to explore

But each year people die

When they go overboard.


There are skies to fly

And deserts to cross

There are forests to hike

All create their own loss.


Yet people still go,

And people still die,

It must be worth it,

Because they still try.


And Love is the same

A dangerous game,

But this life is worth it

In spite of the pain. 


And God knew it would be

It was part of His plan,

That’s why He came down,

In the form of that man.


It’s why He gave His life,

It’s why He hung on that tree,

It’s why He put up with strife,

That all of us might see,

That God allows pain,

That God allows shame,

That you might know Love

That you might be Saved.