Drowning in the Waters of Life

Some come to the water of life for a sip
Some come to the water of life for a drink
some come to the water of life for a sprinkle
Some come to the water of life for a shower

I came to the water of life and jumped in
I thought I was drowning.
I saw my life before my eyes.
The things I'd said
The things I'd done
The things I'd thought
The people I'd known
The people I'd helped
The people I'd hurt

I came to the water of life and jumped in
I thought I was drowning.
The old self splashed about gasping for air
The old self kicked and fought to keep its head above
but the weight of who I was pulled it under
It could not float
it could not survive.

I came to the water of life and jumped in
That day I drowned.
My old self died.
And as my body sunk lifeless
the water of life washed away all the excess weight
It cleansed me within, without.

I came to the water of life and jumped in.
That day I drowned.
That day I died.
A shepherd came by
He pulled me out cleansed and new
He breathed new life in me
Here I am, alive, renewed.

I go to the water of life and jump in.
I no longer drown, no longer die.
Now I swim and drink deep
My soul refreshed
My one desire,
Bring others to the water’s edge
To drown
To die
To be saved by the shepherd

Will you come to the water of life
will you sip
will you drink
will you sprinkle
will you shower
will you jump in and find new life
be cleansed, renewed, made alive
will you swim and drink deep
will you draw others to the water’s edge
come to the water of life