Getting Saved

Imagine you were on the Titanic and you went into the water.  Some person of compassion risks his own life by jumping into the frigid waters to pull you back to the lifeboat he came from, and you are saved.  The people in the boat pull you in and wrap you in a blanket.  Your boat holds 40 people, but only 12 are on board.   You see hundreds around you drowning.  Do you sit there and complain that it’s cold?  Or do you reach out and find a way to save more?   Do you stop after one? Or can you live with knowing you could have done more?   Was being saved simply about surviving or living?  Do you dishonor the potential sacrifice of the one who saved you if you just sit there and do nothing? 

Getting “Saved” as a Christian is no different.  Millions are drowning around you.  Someone fished you out of the murky waters.  You’ve recovered beyond your impending hypothermia.  Do you complain the boat seat isn’t comfortable?  Do you complain about the noise?  Do you just sit there and enjoy the ride watching the moon reflect off the water while listening to a thousand dying souls splashing about, or do you pick up a paddle and row toward the screams?  Once there, do you suggest they pull themselves into the boat or do you reach out a helping hand and lift them up?  Do you beat them over the head with the paddle and berate them for getting into this situation in the first place?  Do you tell them the plethora of reasons they are going to drown a horrible death if they don't do exactly what you say while they pull themselves out of the water?  Once "Saved" do you insist they submit to your specific authority upon punishment of being thrown back in or do you equip them to help you find and save others?  Do you stop after one?  Or can you live with knowing that you could have done more?  Is getting saved simply about getting to Heaven?  Do you dishonor the sacrifice of your Savior if you just sit there and do nothing?